Cisco Stealthwatch for Network Operations (SNO)

Improve your security defenses, add actionable security intelligence, and increase your network visibility with Cisco Stealthwatch training courses.

Cisco Stealthwatch for Network Operations is a lab intensive course that focuses on how to monitor your network’s health, and provides helpful workflows that allow you to quickly react to common network operations issues.

Duration: 2 Days
Price: $3,000

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  • Explain what Cisco Stealthwatch is and how it works
  • Describe the goals of using Cisco Stealthwatch in the proactive and operational modes
  • Define basic concepts of investigation and detection of potential security issues using the Cisco Stealthwatch System
  • Complete workflows to identify indicators of compromise in your network
  • Describe alarm types and alarm notification within Cisco Stealthwatch
  • Explain the utility of maps in the Cisco Stealthwatch System
  • Describe how the Cisco Stealthwatch System contributes to successful incident handling
  • And much more

Prerequisites include:
All students should have completed the following (minimum) prerequisites:

  • Flow Basics
  • Cisco Stealthwatch Overview and Components
  • Cisco Stealthwatch SMC Client Interface Overview

Who Should Attend:
The Stealthwatch for Network course is designed for customers who are new to the Stealthwatch System and face specific challenges related to network health and maintenance on a daily basis. The course focuses on using the Stealthwatch System to complete both “proactive” and “reactive” activities required to maintain network health.

Day One

  • Welcome Course Overview
  • Stealthwatch Technical Overview
  • Introduction to Network Operations
  • Proactive Monitoring (part one)
    • Overview
    • Lab: Validate Exporters
    • Lab: Manage Hosts and Host Groups
  • Lunch
  • Proactive Monitoring
  • Lab: Utilize Maps
  • Lab: Configure Host Locking Rules

Day Two

  • Day One Review 
  • Proactive Monitoring (part two)
    • Lab: Create Custom Security Events
    • Lab: Manage Policies
    • Lab: Set Response Management Rules
  • Reactive Tasks
  • Overview
  • Lab: View Current Interfaces
  • Lab: Investigate Slow Response
  • Review the Web Application: What’s New?
  • Wrap-Up
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